confettigames - the gamer's domain
the latest thing i've made here is galaxy battle, and id really rather you not play the other two. they're there as archival and if you really really want to despite my warning that they're kinda mid.
Galaxy Battle

it's a simple space invaders clone, with inspiration from moon cresta/galaxian on the epoch cassette vision. a to move left, w to move right, space to fire at the alien invaders. during bonus rounds use w and d to move up and down and dodge asteroids in an attempt to dock with the mothership for an extra 500 points. every 5000 points gets you an extra life. have fun! download here
Lenny Lemonhead's Dice Game

it's like weird dice blackjack. it's the one project from my computer programming class in high school i was any proud of, cause i thought it had some fun touches and details. you roll the dice, and hold which ones you want to keep for the rest of the game. you only have three rolls, and if you go don't get exactly 21 you lose. i should really consider coming back to this with how much fun i had playing blackjack on the casino cart for atari 2600, even though imo half of what makes that game good is how intuitive the paddle controller is for it. download here
Unending Journey
incredibly basic text based adventure that hits you with ascii art i thought was cool at every turn in combat. you can go left or right, occasionally fighting enemies, forever. i made it at a coding camp thing, and i worked on a sequel to it on and off for a couple years but eventually stopped, though i could totally pick that up again. the problem was that first, it stopped working halfway through development and i couldn't figure out why, so i decided to change it to be closer to text-based adventure games like zork. the problem then was that i felt like sticking to the text-based console stuff was kinda dry, and i would probably make a better game if i built it on Godot or something. i then proceeded to never learn how to use Godot, and so i haven't come back to this yet. download here